Agenda & Minutes Posting Policy

Open Meetings law require that all agendas are posted a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Town policy is to only post approved minutes.  Meeting Minutes are first approved by the Commission or Committee, then by the...


Beautification Subcommittee

The Beautification Subcommittee is established as a subsidiary by the Park, Recreation & Forestry Committee, the Beautification Subcommittee's focus is on making recommendations that will enhance and restore the aesthetics of public lands. This includes: Establish community gardens and planting...


Board of Review

The Board of Review is a quasi-Judicial body that reviews and decides cases where property owners disagree with the assessment of their property. It's part of the checks and balances of the assessors office. When an objection if filed with...


Park, Recreation & Forestry Committee

The Park, Recreation, and Forestry Committee is advisory to the Town Board who makes all final decisions. The powers and duties of The Committee are to make recommendations to the Town Board regarding: Management, control, improvement, use, and care of...


Personnel & Finance Committee

The Personnel Committee is advisory to the Town Board who makes all final decisions. The powers and duties of the Personnel & Finance Committee are to make recommendations regarding: Matters related to Town finances and financial policies, including: Annual Town...


Redevelopment Authority

The Redevelopment Authority is advisory to the Town Board who makes all final decisions. The powers and duties of the Redevelopment Authority are to make recommendations regarding: Work with developers relating to community development goals and objectives relating to proposed projects....


Sanitary District Commission

The Ledgeview Sanitary District is an independent entity that operations separately from the Town of Ledgeview, yet is connected. The Sanitary District is responsible for the following: Provides water and sewer services to homes and business in the Town of...


Service Award Program Committee

The Service Award Program Committee (SAP) is advisory to the Town Board who makes all final decisions. The powers and duties of the SAP Committee are to make recommendations regarding: Service standards to which the SAP is distributed. Annual contributions...


Zoning & Planning Commission

The Zoning & Planning Commission is advisory to the Town Board who makes all final decisions. The powers and duties Zoning & Planning Commission are to make recommendations regarding: Adoption and implementation of Comprehensive Plan with significant citizen involvement. Periodically...


Zoning Board of Appeals

Zoning Board of Appeals is a quasi-judicial body that reviews and decides cases where there is an alleged error in a zoning decision or where there’s a request for a variance from the ordinance on a parcel. This includes: Hear...
