
Special Meeting of the Electors

June 25, 2018

Notice, Agenda, Proposed Resolution, and 2018 Annual Minutes

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Beautification Committee Meeting

June 21, 2018

06-25-18 Beautification Committee Agenda

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Town Board Meeting – Meeting Canceled

June 20, 2018

07-02-18 Town Board Meeting Agenda

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Moving Day – Office Closed

June 20, 2018

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Redevelopment Authority Meeting

June 12, 2018

06-20-18 Redevelopment Authority

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Park & Recreation Committee Meeting

June 5, 2018

06-12-18 Park & Rec Agenda

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Town Board Meeting

May 30, 2018

Agenda & Review Sheet

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Deadline – Site Review Submittal

May 30, 2018

Noon deadline for Site Review Submittal for the July meeting rotation.

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Zoning & Planning Commission Meeting

May 30, 2018

06-13-18 Zoning & Planning Agenda

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Special Election Wards 4-7

May 30, 2018

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