In the Fall of 2010, the Town of Ledgeview created and implemented a Stormwater Utility District. You may review a copy of the adopted ordinance.
The Town of Ledgeview is a member of the Northeast Wisconsin Storm Water Consortium (NEWSC). NEWSC assists member communities in their efforts to meet state and national storm water regulations and addresses local storm water issues. The Town of Ledgeview has adopted ordinances for storm water management, erosion control and illicit discharge. Public involvement and education will also be developed as part of our WDNR permit requirement for municipal separate storm sewer system, or MS4.
Urban and rural storm water pollution (also known as nonpoint pollution) is the leading cause of water quality problems in Wisconsin (according to the WI Department of Natural Resources).
Storm water pollution is untreated contaminated water that drains from our local streets into the municipal storm drain system. Anytime it rains or the snow melts, water that doesn’t soak into the ground runs into the street curbs, storm sewers, ditches and ponds, taking everything in its path, including grass clippings, leaves, fertilizers, pesticides, oil, pet waste and more.
Storm water does not get treated like the water in our bathrooms and kitchens. Instead, storm water and the contaminants it carries, wind up in our rivers and lakes, where bacteria from dog waste contributes to beach closings and phosphorous from fertilizers, grass clippings and leaves adds to algae blooms.
Some of your everyday actions could be contributing to storm water pollution. Amending your current behaviors and adopting the following actions will assist in protecting our waterways. You may find the following two websites helpful: